What’s the issue with Malwarebytes?

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware currently detects Auslogics programs as a PUP. This is a false positive detection that Auslogics has no control over, but we are communicating with Malwarebytes to get this issue resolved.

You need to understand that:
1. PUP means “potentially unwanted program” – Malwarebytes uses this classification to identify software that they believe a user may not want on their computer. They do not consider the program to be malware. They just want the user to take a look at the program and decide for themselves whether they need it.
2. Auslogics programs does not satisfy any of Malwarebytes’ criteria for being identified as a PUP, so this is clearly a FALSE POSITIVE.
3. Malwarebytes became more aggressive in detecting software as potentially unwanted starting around October 2016. This has led to a rise in false positives their software produces.

As the company states, they implemented the more aggressive policies to make their software more useful. However, in reality this change turns out to be a major inconvenience to users of legitimate applications that MBAM detects as PUP. You can write Malwarebytes at pup@malwarebytes.com to let them know that detecting Auslogics programs is a false positive. This may help expedite getting the issue resolved. In the meantime, please follow the instructions below to have Malwarebytes ignore Auslogics during scans.

How to prevent Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
from falsely detecting:

1 In Malwarebytes, click on the gear icon at the top-right to go to Settings. Under the Security tab, look for ‘Detect Potentially Unwanted Programs’, open the drop-down list next to it and choose ‘Ignore detections’ (you will be able to change this back when done with the steps below).
2 Download and install the Auslogics program
3 Now you need to add the Auslogics program to the Allow List in Malwarebytes. To do that, go to Settings once again. Under the Allow List tab, click on Add.
On the next screen, click on ‘Allow a file or folder’
Click on ‘Select a folder’
Locate the Auslogics folder in C:\Program Files (x86), click on it, then click the Select Folder button below.
You should see the Auslogics folder added to the Allow List in Malwarebytes now:
4 If you’d like, you can now turn PUP detections back on in Malwarebytes. To do that, go to Settings -> Security and select ‘Always (recommended)’ from the drop-down list next to ‘Detect Potentially Unwanted Programs’.

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Disk Defrag

Versione Prodotto

Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro è la versione avanzata di Disk Defrag Free con funzionalità estese, tra cui il posizionamento dei file e le opzioni di pianificazione.

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Disk Defrag ULTIMATE

Versione Prodotto

Precedentemente noto come Disk Defrag Pro e recentemente rinominato Ultimate, questo programma offre tutti gli strumenti e le opzioni necessari per l'ottimizzazione professionale completa di HDD e SSD.

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