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File Recovery

Restore deleted files with ease!

File Recovery is the ultimate data recovery software that can restore deleted files from a hard drive, USB stick, or memory card
Free vs Pro comparison
Version | Released: 2025.01.21 | 19.0MB. Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.
16+ years
on the market
5-star awards
from industry experts
50+ million
user downloads

What Can Auslogics File Recovery Do for My PC?

The app can restore deleted files you thought were lost for good. It works with hard drives, USB storage drives, and memory cards, retrieves all file types, even from lost partitions, and supports file recovery from ALL major file systems: NTFS, FAT16/32, and exFAT, making it a powerful tool in your arsenal.

Easy Data Recovery

You don’t need to go through hundreds of deleted files to find the items you want to restore. Filter by date, size, file type, a combination of these options, or just select a file by name. When file names don’t tell you much, you can preview photos, videos, documents, and PDF files right from the search results window and only undelete the files you want.

Restore Files from Lost Partitions

You may think that once your disk partition is no longer there on the drive list, recovering data from it will be impossible. That may be true with other tools, but not with Auslogics! The partition recovery feature makes it possible to get back files from a lost partition on your hard drive, even after it gets reallocated or quick-formatted.

Securely Shred Files

If you can recover deleted files, so can somebody else. The powerful built-in File Shredder tool lets you permanently delete confidential files and prevent their unauthorized recovery. This is especially useful when you share your computer with other people, before you sell or give away your PC, or when you believe your system may be at risk of getting hacked.

Wipe Free Space

Even after you clear your Recycle Bin, its contents are simply marked by the system as deleted and remain on your drives until overwritten by other data. Wiping the free space on your drive makes deleted files irretrievable, preventing the possibility of unwanted data recovery. This only affects previously deleted files, while all other files stay safe.

Create an Image of Your Disk

The Disk Image tool in File Recovery lets you make an exact image of your drive with all information contained on it, including any deleted files that may still be recoverable. This can serve as a safety net in case of a major system failure, and allow you to recover files by opening the disk image on another PC if needed.
File Recovery
to easily restore lost files from your drives
If you like what you see, you'll be able to upgrade to the Pro version to recover files of any size and any number per scan for only $33.96.
Version | 19.0MB | Released: 2025.01.21.
Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.

Why Auslogics File Recovery?

If you are in search of the best data recovery software for Windows, look no further than Auslogics File Recovery. There are quite a few things that make our data recovery tool stand out.

Industry-Acknowledged Quality

Auslogics software products have been proven safe and effective in multiple tests, used by PC manufacturers and recommended by experts.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

We guarantee that our software will deliver the results it is designed for. If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome, you may receive a full refund within 30 days of license purchase.

Smart File Recovery

You can customize your scan for deleted files, preview items from the search results, and recover only the files you really need. You may be shocked at how much data the program can recover from your hard drive or memory card, even after a quick format.

Professional Support

Use the Technical Support link in File Recovery to contact our tech experts for prompt assistance. Most inquiries are answered within a few hours.

How to Recover Deleted Files with Auslogics File Recovery

To restore deleted files from your hard drive, USB drive, or memory card, follow the steps below:


Download and install File Recovery on your PC


Set search criteria or simply select Search all files


Click Search to find deleted files and initiate file recovery

How Can I Prevent File Loss in the Future?

Protect your computer with a good antivirus program to prevent malware from wiping your data.
Back up your important data regularly to an external drive or cloud storage.
Perform regular PC maintenance to ensure your drives are in perfect working order and to prevent crashes.

Auslogics BoostSpeed is the most complete and expert-recommended tool for full PC maintenance and optimization. And what’s more, File Recovery is already part of the BoostSpeed package. Learn more >>
File Recovery
to easily restore lost files from your drives
If you like what you see, you'll be able to upgrade to the Pro version to recover files of any size and any number per scan for only $33.96.
Version | 19.0MB | Released: 2025.01.21.
Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.

Still Have Questions?

See if your question has already been answered below.
Which Windows versions does Auslogics File Recovery support? Does it work with 64-bit and 32-bit processors?

Auslogics File Recovery supports the following Windows versions:

  • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows 11

It does not support Windows 2000, 95, 98, 98SE, ME, XP, or Vista.

There are no Mac or Linux versions.

I have accidentally erased a photo on my digital camera. Can I restore it with Auslogics File Recovery?

Digital camera memory sticks and computer folders are quite similar. With this program, you will be able to recover any recently deleted picture or movie from your digital camera. Flash memory and other USB devices are supported as well.

Can I recover data from a CD or a DVD?

No, Auslogics File Recovery is designed for recovering files from hard drives, floppy drives, USB flash drives, and memory sticks.

I have deleted a hard drive partition. Can I get the data back?

Yes, Auslogics File Recovery can locate information about deleted disk partitions so that you can restore files from them. Moreover, even if you have reallocated parts of your disk to other partitions, you can still recover your data, as long as it hasn't been overwritten.

To restore files from a lost partition, click Tools and then Scan for Lost Partitions. This opens the Search Lost Partitions wizard. The wizard will ask you to specify the physical disks to check for lost partitions, and the range to perform the scan on.

Once the deleted partition you are looking for is found, you will be able to restore files from it.

Can I recover data from a formatted disk?

If the disk has only been quick-formatted, you should be able to recover the files that were on the disk before the formatting took place. However, if your disk has been fully formatted, it will be impossible to recover any files from it, since that process erases all information from the disk.

Some files were restored incorrectly. Why?

Auslogics File Recovery works by trying to restore the original file contents. The moment a file is deleted, the space it used to occupy on the disk is not physically cleared but rather marked as free. Chances are that newly created files can partially overwrite the space previously occupied by the deleted file. In this case, it may not be possible to restore the entire file. And, although the file might look like it was restored, its contents may differ from those of the original.

Usually, the best chance to restore the files is when they are not on your system drive (disk C: on most computers). Also note, that the sooner you attempt recovery after discovering that files have been deleted, the better the chance of getting your files restored in their entirety.

How can I create a disk image?

To create a disk image, follow these steps:

From the Disk Drives list in the left column of the main window, select the partition or drive that you wish to create an image of.

Click Tools and then Create Disk Image.

Specify where you wish the program to save the image file. Make sure that you don't save the image to the same disk that you are creating an image of.

To open the image later, just go to Tools and select Open Disk Image. You will be able to work with the image file as you would with the disk drive.

Need more information or help? Contact us!

Auslogics is Trusted by Millions of PC Users Worldwide

Tom Wilson
”I have been using Auslogics software suites for several years on my PCs. Their support for their products is outstanding and prompt. I feel as though I have a personal friend there who takes my questions or other issues without delay and helps resolve them to keep things trouble-free for me. Highly recommended!”
See review on Trustpilot
Cliff Shell
”I have two computers here at home, a desktop and a laptop, both of which were second-hand when I acquired them. Over the years, I have used several maintenance programs, but none matched the consistency of Auslogics in keeping my equipment in top form. I highly recommend all of their products!”
See review on Trustpilot
James Minotto
”Next to the Waugh brothers and Shane Warne, Auslogics is the best thing ever to come out of Australia! I've been in the technology sector for over 35 years and their software is an incredible value for money, the support is excellent and I have no reservations about recommending their products. Definitely a 6 !”
See review on Trustpilot
File Recovery
to easily restore lost files from your drives
If you like what you see, you'll be able to upgrade to the Pro version to recover files of any size and any number per scan for only $33.96.
Version | 19.0MB | Released: 2025.01.21.
Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.

Compare File Recovery Versions

Try the free File Recovery version to see how you like the app, or go with the Pro version for ultimate data recovery capabilities.

File Recovery
Full search and partial recovery
Today’s price:
3 PC license
Find and recover apps
Safe permanent removal of files and folders to prevent unauthorized recovery of your confidential data
Search for and restore files of any size or type
Option to search for and recover just images (raster, vector and 3D)
Option to configure search for and recovery of just video and/or audio files
Option to configure search for and recovery of just documents (text files, tables, presentations, etc.)
Extended priority support
Ask a Question option for live expert answers at a click of a button
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3 questions

Purchase File Recovery Pro today
to locate and restore deleted files whenever needed

File Recovery Pro
Today’s price:
$33.96 /year $39.95
1 year subscription
3 PC license
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