Discord is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) application designed mainly for gamers, but even non-gamers can use it for voice and text interactions. However, sometimes, you may not hear other people while voice chatting over an exciting game.

When that happens, it’s an indication that something is wrong with your audio settings. You may have to look out for the green sound indicator to be sure it’s not a network issue. Also, there may be a bug affecting the Discord app’s audio.

Whatever the case might be, fixing this problem is no longer difficult. In this guide, we will teach you how to fix the audio issue on Discord.

Why Does the Sound Not Work on Discord?

There are quite a few reasons why the audio may not work on your Discord application. The most likely causes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Mic input not functioning
  • Audio output not functioning
  • The wrong device set as the default audio device
  • Viruses preventing your audio from working
  • Outdated audio device drivers
  • Your OS needing an upgrade

You may need to check for those issues if you can’t hear any sound while voice chatting. Also, you may have to learn how to enable audio on Discord.

In any case, we will cover all the details for you in the following paragraphs so you can start listening to other users without any disruptions.

Method 1: Restart Your Computer

Performing a simple restart is almost always the first thing to do whenever you are experiencing any issue on your Windows 10 PC. After restarting your computer, open your Discord app to see if everything is working fine already.

If the sound is still not working, try adjusting Discord settings using the method below.

Method 2: Check Discord Settings

The first thing to check when the sound is not working on Discord is the app’s audio settings. If you figure out the issue quickly, you won’t have to try the other troubleshooting methods.

1. Check If You Are Muted

You may have unknowingly muted yourself or another user while setting up a conversation. In this case, you can quickly identify this using the mic or headset icon.

If any of the icons (mic or headset) is crossed with a slanted line, you have deafened yourself or other users. Click the crossed icon to unmute yourself or those users.

Also, the admin of a server or channel can mute you, making it impossible for you to hear what others say on the platform. Reach out to the admin and ask them to unmute you from their end. That should solve the problem. Otherwise, check the Discord settings outlined below.

2. Check Channel Permissions

If you have the time, try joining other servers and channels, and then observe if the sound is also not working. If the situation is different on other servers, reach out to the server admin and tell them to enable the following voice permissions:

  • Connect
  • Speak

It should work after that. If not, try the next fix below.

3. Adjust Volume Settings

This issue often comes up when users are having a one-on-one conversation. In this case, you may have changed the volume settings, and you’ll need to right-click the user’s icon. After that, use the volume slider in the menu to adjust the volume.

Method 3: Troubleshoot Your Desktop Client

If you’re running a Discord desktop client on a Windows 10 computer, you will find the following tips helpful:

Basic Checks

  • Verify if your OS is compatible with the Discord app. You can use this link to check that.
  • Update your computer to the latest OS.
  • Upgrade your Discord app to the most recent version.
  • Quitting and then restarting the Discord app may also help.
  • Check all the audio jacks on your computer. You may have plugged your audio device into a port that’s no longer working.
  • Check your app permissions for Discord to be sure that the microphone is supported.

Ensure that your sound/audio drivers are up to date. If not, download Auslogics Driver Updater now. It will update all the faulty and outdated drivers on your computer. The manual process of updating drivers is lengthy and complicated, and we won’t discuss it in this guide.

If you have done the basic checks and the sound is still not working on your Discord app, try the next steps:

  • Click on the cog icon in the bottom-left corner of your Discord app interface. In the left pane, select Voice & Video to access the settings.
  • Check your input mode to ensure that Push to Talk isn’t activated.
  • Switch your input/output to your specific audio device.
  • Adjust the volume settings for your input and output.
  • If adjusting the settings gets too complicated, you can use the Reset Voice Settings option for activating the default audio options.
  • Disable the Ensure Quality of Service High Packet Priority option under the Quality of Service section.

Advanced Checks

Are you still unable to hear the sound on your Discord app? Try the following advanced checks:

  • Delete and reinstall the Discord app.
  • Viruses may affect how you hear the sound on Discord. Therefore, try using an antivirus program to detect harmful entities on your computer. You can use Auslogics Anti-Malware for this. It is reliable and easy-to-use, and it does not conflict with your primary antivirus program. This software can detect anything that may be harmful to your computer.
  • After using an anti-malware tool, relaunch the Discord app or download the beta version.

Method 4: Troubleshoot Your Browser

This method is applicable if you are using Discord on your web browser. (We recommend you install and use the app directly on your computer, but it’s okay if there are reasons why you prefer the web application).

The following steps will help you resolve the issue quickly:

  • Make sure that your browser is compatible with the Discord app.
  • Check the browser’s ‘permission’ settings to ensure you have allowed Discord to use your microphone.

On a Final Note

Have you tried all the methods yet? Did they work for you? If you still need to know more about how to fix the audio issue on Discord, reach out to us or drop a line in the comment section below. You can also check our blog for solutions to other Windows 10 problems.